Thursday, March 20, 2008

Off and On

Dreary morning,
No!! More work to do
Don’t want to go.

There on my side,
The little kitten sleeps in peace,
Warmth fills me

Heavy work traffic
Noise, heat and pollution
Grey smog looms.

Boss on vacation
A relief spreads through me
Joy makes me dizzy!

The phone rings loud
My boss dumps more work
He’s such a quirk

The clock strikes five
How quickly the day ended
Wow! I’m leaving!!!

The sun sets on me
A lonely evening, once more
My heart sinks low

The doorbell rings,
Those warm eyes make me sway,
He just made my day!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

To be or not to be….

Thousands of ideas race through my mind…..
This monotonous life is a bore.
Should utilize all my abilities
Create fantasies and some more

I could be an artist,
It’s a wonderful, creative start!
And if I can’t paint for nuts
We shall call it modern art

I could be a sci-fi actor
It’s fantastic what they do!
Like in Matrix, I'd change forms
And dodge real bullets too!

I could be a chef!
I am fascinated by food.
Of course, it’s for others!
I won't eat it (gulp), how rude!

I could be an accountant
I ‘m good with numbers, you know
A little Math revision won’t hurt,
Isn’t five times five twenty four?

I could be a salesperson,
I can make the best speeches
Can sell a fridge to an Eskimo
And heaters on the beaches!

I could be a beautiful model
Do I need to lose weight?? Lots???
Oh shut up, I am perfect,
These clothes are made for tots!

Thousands of ideas race through my mind…….
Too many choices for me,
Lets focus on what’s in hand
After all, Consistency is the key

Cynically yours

Clickety click, the keystrokes go,
Out comes verbiage from a cynic’s mind
Beware its content, its sharp and poison
Sure!! You expect him to be kind! ;)

They fret and they fume over worldly matters,
Nothing really suits their style.
But wow! What great critics they make!
They spot nasty stuff from a mile.

Perfectionism, is our true virtue,
They say with utter pride!
We strive, after all, to correct all the faults
Bear with us being rude and snide

Attitude!! Attitude!! They sure seem pompous!
Suffer from a syndrome called “I am the best”,
Looking down upon mere mortals,
We rule!! Two hoots to the rest!

As I ramble on for hours about their critical natures,
It becomes apparent, I can see.
Slowly and steadily I become one of them
I’m cynical of cynics around me!
