Friday, February 29, 2008

Close Encounters of the Weird Kind

Come along with me, this will blow your mind!
Had some close encounters with the weird kind.

You cant imagine, they do the craziest stuff
Despite abundance, they dont seem to have enough!

They have these set of rules, for easy way of life,
Ironically, these cause them, much more trouble and strife.

They live in constant fear..fear of what's done, what's said,
So they end up inviting, the very thing that they dread.

They cant believe when you tell them, that happy is what they shud be,
They'd rather be sad and grumpy, than joyful, cheery and free.

You give them a helping hand, they'd show utter disbelief
You do something nasty bad, they'd breathe a sigh of relief!

"This was too good to be true , that's why I had my doubt,
But nasty is something expected, I knew this would come about"

Can u believe that attitude! It drives me so insane,
its like they hate to be blissful, they love to live in pain!

Well what can I say about this now, they r miles away from mirth,
u wanna know where they come from? I think, its a place called....... Earth


What do I write, Oh what do I write?

About nature and beauty or courage and might?

Too heavy a topic are they, lets find something light,

How about love? No, sounds too trite…

It has to be something funny, has to be bright!

Or maybe some horror….wanna have a fright? ;)

Oh God, its so confusing…nothing sounds right!

I feel so sorry for my miserable plight…

Ok, I'm just exaggerating, call it far fetched if u might,

Writing isn't easy…..I'll have to stay up all night!

So getting back to what I'm good at…FOOD…. care for a bite?

The Knight

The pounding of the rain increased with time.
Making deep puddles filled with mud and grime.

The lightening struck fierce and crazy.
Ripped through the night in a wild frenzy.

The roaring wind made sounds to scare,
despite all this he stood, alone and bare.

With one aim in mind, he stood up to face,
What lay ahead in this God forsaken place!

My Angel, my angel….is all that he thought,
For so long he'd been searching, for so long he had fought.

I must find my angel, before it gets too late!
I will not give up, come what may, this is not my fate.

He was a Knight , after all, and Knights must race.
Just as his father had, there shall be no disgrace.

He quickened his pace heading towards his goal,
His determination came from within his soul.

There, I see it…I see it, he cried!
I've done it…his heart gleamed with pride…

And just as he reached out to conquer his prize..
There was a swish and a flash that blinded his eyes.

"Enough" boomed the angry voice ……"enough for tonight"
"How long will you play that stupid game, it's late, it's almost light!"

Reluctantly he went to bed, feeling stupid, angry and sad,
And that's how Mr. James Knight lost the bet to his dad! :P

Thursday, February 28, 2008

whats in store?

Ever wonder what the future has in store?
Will it be ecstatic or will be a bore?

Anxious moments leave me tensed and nervous
"Don’t worry, be happy…learn to trust us"

A patient voice speaks thus, bringing me peace,
Soothing me, calming me , flowing like a breeze,

Relax and enjoy, there's nothing else to do,
Joyful living, is all thts expected of you,

And true as it is, my problems seem to resolve,
As soon as I let go, they vanish, they dissolve.

Now, wonder what the future is?, if u ask me this..
Yes, I say, Its full of life, joy and endless bliss!