Friday, February 29, 2008

Close Encounters of the Weird Kind

Come along with me, this will blow your mind!
Had some close encounters with the weird kind.

You cant imagine, they do the craziest stuff
Despite abundance, they dont seem to have enough!

They have these set of rules, for easy way of life,
Ironically, these cause them, much more trouble and strife.

They live in constant fear..fear of what's done, what's said,
So they end up inviting, the very thing that they dread.

They cant believe when you tell them, that happy is what they shud be,
They'd rather be sad and grumpy, than joyful, cheery and free.

You give them a helping hand, they'd show utter disbelief
You do something nasty bad, they'd breathe a sigh of relief!

"This was too good to be true , that's why I had my doubt,
But nasty is something expected, I knew this would come about"

Can u believe that attitude! It drives me so insane,
its like they hate to be blissful, they love to live in pain!

Well what can I say about this now, they r miles away from mirth,
u wanna know where they come from? I think, its a place called....... Earth

1 comment:

alpamilind said...

Very good indeed. I liked the poem very much and i sure do agree with ur thoughts.
