Thursday, October 23, 2008

For my dear friend: Prajwal

So here's the thing I'm supposed to do
Not so easy, help me out, will you?

I have a friend, he wants me to write,
a poem for him in black and white.

Shud I praise him, tell the good stuff?
But that would be a half truth….kind of a bluff :P

I'm just kidding, I'm sure he wont mind,
He's a sweet guy…he's the cool kind.

Mimicry is his virtue….he's the best!
Imitates everyone in fun and jest.

Life of a party, dances like a pro,
Makes it happening….makes it a show!

Grins through it all…praises or booing,
Flirts with the girls... "How you doing?" ;)

Despite the fun times, he has his share of lows,
Perhaps u haven't noticed, perhaps he never shows.

His own natural self is much more endearing,
Than the front he puts up to gather all the cheering.

I wish he knew, that we'd like him much more
Only if he trusts himself and brings out his core.

You deserve more than you think, give it a bit of thought
Enjoy life as it comes…come on give it a shot!

Let go of your worries, they aren't worth ur time.
Revel in ur glory days, live it, its ur prime!

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