Sunday, February 14, 2010

Engineering Spirituality

It's astonishing how my technical side ties into my spiritual side. It's always been there, waiting for me to take notice of it. I took this long to figure it out, well at least begin the journey of figuring it out. I'm talking about my job of being an electrical engineer opening up a spiritual doorway which I had overlooked for so long. Absurd, right? Not anymore!

The most fundamental principal of electrical engineering is taught to us, all of us, right from school, in physics. It's the law of the materials regarding flow of electricity. That every material has some electrical resistance of its own, depending on it's individual characteristics, is a well known fact. Depending on whether the resistance is large or small determines whether the flow of current would be less or more. In other words, higher the resistance, less will the current flow and vice versa. Now what has this basic principle got to do with spirituality. If a correctly drawn analogy is applied here, this principle has every thing to do with the basic laws of spirituality as well. It is so clear and obvious that I am pretty sure almost every engineer (or non-engineer) misses this basic point. I'll say it again, higher the "resistance", lower is the flow of current or energy. Does that strike a chord yet? Think about it, what could this simple statement be pointing to with reference to our human existence. What's the conductor, what's the energy and what's the "resistance"? It took me 8 years to figure out that the very first thing I learnt about electrical engineering is the most fundamental sutra of life. We all must have experienced this throughout our lives and we still continue doing it. Doing what? Offering "resistance" to the very life force that is so eager to flow through us. All it needs is a "go" from us. And how do you think we resist this energy, by our thoughts, our staunch beliefs, our "logic", everything that stops us from having faith in the Creation. Everything that questions our ability to just fling ourselves free and into Life with the complete and utter faith that we are loved by It. I got this feeling when I experienced sky diving. The thrills and rush are only a form of Life force flowing through me abundantly. I was surrendering myself to gravity, to nature, both literally and figuratively.

What do I get by "conducting" do you ask? Well, what do you think? Isn't that something for you to experience and find out? Words are only a tool to express distinct forms of thoughts....What does one do when the Thought is Life itself and is so magnificently All-Encompassing that the words fail to express this magnificence.

1 comment:

alpamilind said...

Wov Pittu, Great!!! I agree with u totally.