Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Serendipity-the windfall, stroke of luck they say
An unexpected surprise, one fine summer’s day
Walking down a boring road, you find a wad of cash
The glitter of a lost diamond inside a bag of trash
Thinking of your favorite person, you stop right in your track
A sudden tap on your shoulders and he’s there behind your back!
Meeting someone totally new, you feel a strong connection
In a matter of days, hours or minutes, it grows into affection.
It’s tough to tell, what it is, that makes you want to stay,
To have faith in the power unknown, believe in what you pray
Something so sudden, so very great is always a doubt for you,
It’s hard to trust God showering love, hard to say it’s true.
This human tendency of doubting good, has made one believe
Its less stressful to think of the worst and much easier to grieve.
No surprise that luck is defined, as something so very rare,
When one encounters events so cool, it almost seems unfair.
But then again if everything was good and sweet and oh so pretty,
Luck would lose its charm and worth and wouldn’t be called serendipity.

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