Friday, September 25, 2009

Serendipity-The Parody

(NOTE: This one is a sarcastic take on my previous post called 'Serendipity')

Serendipity-the windfall, stroke of luck they say
The guy in front just won a car (damn!), while you still had to pay!

Walking down a (ridiculously) boring road, if you happen to find some cash
Oh no don’t get excited, most likely it’s fake trash.

Thinking of your favorite person, makes you stop in your track,
You hear a sound right behind you, S*&^!! The cops are back!

Some hot chick smiles her sexy smile, You think ‘I must be cute’
Only to realize, Darn! she was waving at a guy behind you.

Things like these make you skeptic, doubting everything you do
It’s hard to trust God showering love, and it's certainly not upon you!

No surprise, that luck is defined, as something so very rare,
When others encounter events so cool, it almost seems unfair.

You never get anything great and definitely no chance with pretty!
Luck, for you, is a distant dream, it’s more like ‘Ser-(end in)-pity’.


Vandita K said...
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Vandita K said...
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Vandita K said...

niaace :)