Tuesday, May 29, 2018

30 Days of 30 Pieces - Day 1 of 30

Day 1 of 30

So to begin with my first article for the day I'd like to write about a children's book that inspired me when I was 6. It talked about 'What do you want to be' and had illustrations of all the fun activities and professions that a child could dream of becoming. I loved it so much because it made me believe that I had abundance of choice to become who I want. Imagine the rude awakening when I had to pick a major in high school. That did NOT go down well with me. But since I was way too cool for school (or so I thought) I picked engineering, the analytical field where great minds create wonderful contraptions for the world to use and be in awe of. Yes, that is exactly how I viewed electrical engineering.

So while I went on to learn the amazing technology and interesting concepts of engineering, which I thoroughly enjoyed by the way, I soon figured out that eventually after all the fun education and on the job training every one finally ends up doing exactly the same thing. By getting stuck in the rut to win more projects, churn out more results in as short a time as possible. Its the same pattern repeating everywhere. The charm and wonder of executing a project using new technology is not the main focus of doing projects, the focus is the commerce of it all. And while some may agree with that approach, that it all SHOULD boil down to money, I don't. Not because I'm idealistic (far from it). Simply because its so much more fun!! And that must mean something. There is a reason why we enjoy certain activities and the joy it gives us makes us do more and get better at it. Nature uses this tactic very well to propagate species by making procreation super fun, creates bonds between members of a species by making helping others more gratifying and fulfilling. So most definitely working towards something that creates joy and fulfillment is a journey forward.

The more I see organizations that the world is in awe of, the more a common pattern emerges. These organizations are financially successful as a result of their creativity and not the other way around. They take total joy in creating and as a result they have been successful in securing the trust and confidence of their audience and their investors, who only want to add to their momentum of success, thus also making them financially stable. Their financial success is a by product of their creative genius which is kinda awesome.

SO having said that, if given a second chance today, what would I like to do? Honestly there are so many things that come to mind that nothing really stands out. So instead of staying confused, like always, I'm going to start listing out anything that I can even slightly do and enjoy as of today. I may be a total amateur and a complete beginner but if I love doing it even for an hour I'm going to put it down in my list. Here goes:

1. Movie director - would love to direct psychological thrillers or even offbeat, with a twist kind of movies. Or just plain comedies. They are completely disconnected genres but that in itself would be an amazing experience.

2. Write and publish a blog - I know I can write fairly decent material. Would be fun to see if it could lead to getting subscribers and growing into a good sized business

3. Travel blogger/ location scout - Although these require different skill sets, the common factor here is travel and possibly going where no one has been before. Would love to do the former than the latter.

4. Travel show host/writer/director/producer/coordinator - Same reasons as above and in fact even more fun coz now I'd get to be the techie geek when indulging in all the cool equipment :)

5. Digital nomad - working jobs in different locations through websites like workaway.com etc. This would be a rather cool experience as it would let me interact with so many different cultures and kinds of people. Just the thought of it brings a smile to my face.

6. Teach using innovative styles and methods to curious, bright young or old minds - I'd love to teach anything that I know and could be helpful to others. Teaching is the best form of learning and I LOVE to learn. I'm very intrigued by new ways of education which encourages kids to discover ideas and concepts rather being told by a teacher and then everyone in class engages in healthy discussions, presenting ideas and the 'teacher' is merely a facilitator, gently nudging the students along and allowing them to discover or uncover jewels of wisdom for themselves.

7. Growing a business from scratch all the way to super successful - Don't know which business but the pure experience of doing this and the journey is going to be awesome and in some weird way I even can sense and know the feeling. For the record, I've never started a business....yet! :)

These are the 7 that I can think of for now. I'm sure there are way more than this and I might revisit and add more to this list later. Until then, I'm sticking to this list. And with that my first article for Day 1 of my 30 days of 30 pieces... comes to an end. I shall see you again tomorrow, bright and fresh, ready to churn out more words. Until then it's Adios and Hasta Luego, Amigos.

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