Sunday, March 01, 2009


Tender moments, etched in time

Deep bonds, growing stronger

Close friends, full of warmth

Simple gestures, touch the heart

Genuine smile, makes it worth

Simple kiss, gives a rush

Heartfelt hugs, lift the gloom

Bubbly laughter, refreshes the air

Silly giggles, creates some fun

Gentle touch, says I'm there

Loving glances, brings relief

A soft cuddle, makes one blush

Holding hands, so intimate

Appreciating this, is the true essence

Life, after all, is not, without love.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Serendipity-the windfall, stroke of luck they say
An unexpected surprise, one fine summer’s day
Walking down a boring road, you find a wad of cash
The glitter of a lost diamond inside a bag of trash
Thinking of your favorite person, you stop right in your track
A sudden tap on your shoulders and he’s there behind your back!
Meeting someone totally new, you feel a strong connection
In a matter of days, hours or minutes, it grows into affection.
It’s tough to tell, what it is, that makes you want to stay,
To have faith in the power unknown, believe in what you pray
Something so sudden, so very great is always a doubt for you,
It’s hard to trust God showering love, hard to say it’s true.
This human tendency of doubting good, has made one believe
Its less stressful to think of the worst and much easier to grieve.
No surprise that luck is defined, as something so very rare,
When one encounters events so cool, it almost seems unfair.
But then again if everything was good and sweet and oh so pretty,
Luck would lose its charm and worth and wouldn’t be called serendipity.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Slumdog No.1

Before I start with the actual post I must mention the inspiration for it. It's the latest Brit-Indian venture called 'Slumdog Millionaire'. Considering the current display of 'exceptional talent' in the movie industry, this one is a sane, well crafted, short a fantabulous effort! As we sat, totally satiated after this unique movie experience, my roomie and I were suddenly struck with this crazy idea. We began putting together a story with the most outrageous cast and crew. Kind of a spoof (mind you, its a spoof of the hypothetical star cast, not the movie! I wouldn't dare to dishonor such great movie making effort). So here's how it goes:

Title: Slumdog No.1

Director: David Dhawan

Cast: Govinda (What a surprise!), Some new Bimbo-wanna be actress, Sanjay Dutt, another new bimbo -wannabe, Mahesh Manjrekar (Yes, he can fit into any niche!), Johnny Lever as the goon's side kick (trying to force out laughter from the audience) a few knuckle cracking, mean looking gundas and a few dozen extras (we need them for the songs...duh!)

Story: It would start off with the most eclectic looking slums of mumbai. Overtly emotional and loving slum dwellers, family oriented beggars and kid loving Gundas. Awwww. All's well in slumsville untill terror strikes one fine day. Religious riots hit the area and people are killed. Young Govinda and older brother (young Sanjay Dutt) are seperated in the brawl. Their sad looking mother is killed right in front of young Govinda's eyes. Actors are hamming and the audience is yawning. Ho-hum....

Zoom into the present day scenario.....suddenly they have all grown up into hefty 40+ oldies who, for reasons unknown, will always be 25 year old naujawans on the wide screen. So here we have an ever gregarious, oversmart Govinda, donning multicolored garbs and wooing the moholle ki choris. He is a smart ass and supposedly better than most others in his moholla. Although he earns his two meals conning people, he has a heart of gold. Meanwhile in another world, not too far, Sanjay Dutt has evolved into the reigning don of the underworld. His faithful, stupid and desperately-trying-to-be-comical sidekick Johnny Lever is stuck to his hind side all the way. This don is smarter than most dangerous dons, better than Bruce Lee in martial arts and still a romantic at heart. Mind you, despite all this he STILL has a heart of gold...After all he shares blood ties with his philanthrophic little brother. It's in the blood!

So then there's the whole Hindi movie masala, drama, brothers meeting, exchanging lockets, realizing they are brothers, crying over their dead mother and swearing on her grave to drink her muderers' blood...(oops, there is also meeting their lady loves, dancing around trees on lavish locales in the most untimely placed awkward song sequences) they finally reach the sets of KBC (somehow!...please dont ask me to elaborate on how they got there.......I wouldnt be surprised if the show host invited them himself.....its Bollywood!)

So then with much luck.,...actually all luck (that too outrageous luck) they manage to reach the final question.....when they are stumped....Having lost all their lifelines they have just one the middle of the crowded auditorium they fall on their knees and start off with the most devotional bhajan you've ever heard.....and then the Divine blesses them (probably in an effort to get them wrapping up their ridiculous performances) in the form of a monkey showing up out of nowhere clutching a piece of paper with the answer......Huh!...Lost? Dont worry, you lost me too!

Ofcourse, during this final song its revealed to the audiences (and to the heroes) that the game show producer is, in fact, the main ganglord who had killed their mother years ago and was looking for the two brothers to settle scores with (talk about timing!).....So then there's the final predictible fight where everyone attacks everyone except the two heroes and ofcourse the two brothers kill the ganglord with combined efforts! Y ou would probably be praying for the goon to die...hoping that would somehow end the movie sooner....

So then with all the extravagant costumes, sets and performances...the movie finally ends (whew...there's always hope!) and we, the audience, are set free!!!!

Ofcourse, inspite of receiving a number of critical, negative reviews the film still manages to bag the filmfare award with the director swearing to the masses that he will continue directing more movies like this which are much better (read more hamming and more mind numbing)....... and just as we find ourselves recovering from the blow of this one....the final wave hits us when we read that this piece of 'artistic mastery' is India's entry for the Oscars......Long live Bollywood!

That's right! An awe inspiring, heart wrenching story.

Sunday, December 07, 2008


Recently, an experience led me to write this. While I was waiting for a friend, I accidentally ran into an acquaintance the other day. As we were catching up over a cup of coffee I realized that a lot had changed for her. She was into various 'activities' for the need of fitting into the 'cool and hep' culture. She was justifying her actions which were definitely 'shocking', as one might call them. And throughout the talk I had a feeling that her experiences were utter waste of precious time, talent and life. From my perspective this isn't how life is to be utilized. Probably what she is doing makes more sense to her. But then the question remains that what exactly drives, rather pushes us, to the extremes of trying to fit in? Be it a group, a class, a community, a city, a nation or a species, we always want to fit in. Conformity, of all sorts, is the key word here. In this struggle to gain public acceptance we forget the bottomline of life. Very few people question their reason for existance and even fewer strive to find the answers. If you ask me, it's a process. Initial questions lead one to think and wonder, then when one starts digging more into his/her life, wonderful new insights are unearthed. I've personally gone through this initial process of restlessness and unanswered questions. Through all that, I realized one thing. It is so important to find one's passion in life. It really is. This might sound totally disconnected from what I've been saying, but it actually has a direct connection to what I've been talking about. When one has a passion in life, he makes his own path. He is sure of what he wants. He is centred. It's ironic how passion can actually make one dispassionate towards other trivial issues. With a passion in life the mind is more focussed on fruitful actions than presenting superficial facades of self projected to the world. There is a definite purpose in everything. Passion is a force that pulls us out of the viscious circle of meaningless existence. Channeling our energies towards the correct passion can do wonders for us and for those around us. Why, then, do people still prefer the typical existence of trying to fit in like a jigsaw puzzle piece? I would say, to provide us with examples. Contrasting lives of others stimulates one to search further till one arrives at the lifestyle he/she truly wants. Perhaps all this is just another piece of philosophy or perhaps others out there are meant to be examples of monotonous behavior so that more like me can find our passion. Afterall, it might not be such a bad thing that most of us live the way we do. It might just be a blessing, still in disguise.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Comical as it is now...

Comical as it is now,
Wasn't the case back then,

The story of a man
Who stood against it all,
His bravery beyond measures,
Refusing to take a fall.

His urge, his burning fire
Set him on a journey long
His search, his endless battle,
Was he really that strong?

Slowly and steadily it grew
His urgency, his desperate need
Looked for the door to his freedom
To the Lord he began to plead

How long can a man really take this!
It can happen to any sane chap
Doomed is the one who has to
But can't find a place to crap!

For my dear friend: Prajwal

So here's the thing I'm supposed to do
Not so easy, help me out, will you?

I have a friend, he wants me to write,
a poem for him in black and white.

Shud I praise him, tell the good stuff?
But that would be a half truth….kind of a bluff :P

I'm just kidding, I'm sure he wont mind,
He's a sweet guy…he's the cool kind.

Mimicry is his virtue….he's the best!
Imitates everyone in fun and jest.

Life of a party, dances like a pro,
Makes it happening….makes it a show!

Grins through it all…praises or booing,
Flirts with the girls... "How you doing?" ;)

Despite the fun times, he has his share of lows,
Perhaps u haven't noticed, perhaps he never shows.

His own natural self is much more endearing,
Than the front he puts up to gather all the cheering.

I wish he knew, that we'd like him much more
Only if he trusts himself and brings out his core.

You deserve more than you think, give it a bit of thought
Enjoy life as it comes…come on give it a shot!

Let go of your worries, they aren't worth ur time.
Revel in ur glory days, live it, its ur prime!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Off and On

Dreary morning,
No!! More work to do
Don’t want to go.

There on my side,
The little kitten sleeps in peace,
Warmth fills me

Heavy work traffic
Noise, heat and pollution
Grey smog looms.

Boss on vacation
A relief spreads through me
Joy makes me dizzy!

The phone rings loud
My boss dumps more work
He’s such a quirk

The clock strikes five
How quickly the day ended
Wow! I’m leaving!!!

The sun sets on me
A lonely evening, once more
My heart sinks low

The doorbell rings,
Those warm eyes make me sway,
He just made my day!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

To be or not to be….

Thousands of ideas race through my mind…..
This monotonous life is a bore.
Should utilize all my abilities
Create fantasies and some more

I could be an artist,
It’s a wonderful, creative start!
And if I can’t paint for nuts
We shall call it modern art

I could be a sci-fi actor
It’s fantastic what they do!
Like in Matrix, I'd change forms
And dodge real bullets too!

I could be a chef!
I am fascinated by food.
Of course, it’s for others!
I won't eat it (gulp), how rude!

I could be an accountant
I ‘m good with numbers, you know
A little Math revision won’t hurt,
Isn’t five times five twenty four?

I could be a salesperson,
I can make the best speeches
Can sell a fridge to an Eskimo
And heaters on the beaches!

I could be a beautiful model
Do I need to lose weight?? Lots???
Oh shut up, I am perfect,
These clothes are made for tots!

Thousands of ideas race through my mind…….
Too many choices for me,
Lets focus on what’s in hand
After all, Consistency is the key

Cynically yours

Clickety click, the keystrokes go,
Out comes verbiage from a cynic’s mind
Beware its content, its sharp and poison
Sure!! You expect him to be kind! ;)

They fret and they fume over worldly matters,
Nothing really suits their style.
But wow! What great critics they make!
They spot nasty stuff from a mile.

Perfectionism, is our true virtue,
They say with utter pride!
We strive, after all, to correct all the faults
Bear with us being rude and snide

Attitude!! Attitude!! They sure seem pompous!
Suffer from a syndrome called “I am the best”,
Looking down upon mere mortals,
We rule!! Two hoots to the rest!

As I ramble on for hours about their critical natures,
It becomes apparent, I can see.
Slowly and steadily I become one of them
I’m cynical of cynics around me!


Friday, February 29, 2008

Close Encounters of the Weird Kind

Come along with me, this will blow your mind!
Had some close encounters with the weird kind.

You cant imagine, they do the craziest stuff
Despite abundance, they dont seem to have enough!

They have these set of rules, for easy way of life,
Ironically, these cause them, much more trouble and strife.

They live in constant fear..fear of what's done, what's said,
So they end up inviting, the very thing that they dread.

They cant believe when you tell them, that happy is what they shud be,
They'd rather be sad and grumpy, than joyful, cheery and free.

You give them a helping hand, they'd show utter disbelief
You do something nasty bad, they'd breathe a sigh of relief!

"This was too good to be true , that's why I had my doubt,
But nasty is something expected, I knew this would come about"

Can u believe that attitude! It drives me so insane,
its like they hate to be blissful, they love to live in pain!

Well what can I say about this now, they r miles away from mirth,
u wanna know where they come from? I think, its a place called....... Earth


What do I write, Oh what do I write?

About nature and beauty or courage and might?

Too heavy a topic are they, lets find something light,

How about love? No, sounds too trite…

It has to be something funny, has to be bright!

Or maybe some horror….wanna have a fright? ;)

Oh God, its so confusing…nothing sounds right!

I feel so sorry for my miserable plight…

Ok, I'm just exaggerating, call it far fetched if u might,

Writing isn't easy…..I'll have to stay up all night!

So getting back to what I'm good at…FOOD…. care for a bite?

The Knight

The pounding of the rain increased with time.
Making deep puddles filled with mud and grime.

The lightening struck fierce and crazy.
Ripped through the night in a wild frenzy.

The roaring wind made sounds to scare,
despite all this he stood, alone and bare.

With one aim in mind, he stood up to face,
What lay ahead in this God forsaken place!

My Angel, my angel….is all that he thought,
For so long he'd been searching, for so long he had fought.

I must find my angel, before it gets too late!
I will not give up, come what may, this is not my fate.

He was a Knight , after all, and Knights must race.
Just as his father had, there shall be no disgrace.

He quickened his pace heading towards his goal,
His determination came from within his soul.

There, I see it…I see it, he cried!
I've done it…his heart gleamed with pride…

And just as he reached out to conquer his prize..
There was a swish and a flash that blinded his eyes.

"Enough" boomed the angry voice ……"enough for tonight"
"How long will you play that stupid game, it's late, it's almost light!"

Reluctantly he went to bed, feeling stupid, angry and sad,
And that's how Mr. James Knight lost the bet to his dad! :P

Thursday, February 28, 2008

whats in store?

Ever wonder what the future has in store?
Will it be ecstatic or will be a bore?

Anxious moments leave me tensed and nervous
"Don’t worry, be happy…learn to trust us"

A patient voice speaks thus, bringing me peace,
Soothing me, calming me , flowing like a breeze,

Relax and enjoy, there's nothing else to do,
Joyful living, is all thts expected of you,

And true as it is, my problems seem to resolve,
As soon as I let go, they vanish, they dissolve.

Now, wonder what the future is?, if u ask me this..
Yes, I say, Its full of life, joy and endless bliss!